- Author: Daniel Spoerri
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- Curator: Gergely Ligetfalvi
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- Coordinator(s): Ágnes-Evelin Kispál, Attila Kispál
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- Press relations: Ildikó Knop
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- Technical staff: Oskar Butt, István Kocsis
+ The event is part of the pulzArt 6 Contemporary Arts Festival program series.
Daniel Spoerri (1930) started his artistic career as a ballet dancer, then he tried his luck in the world of the theater and literature. Still, he became world famous in the field of fine arts, when at the age of thirty he created his first snare pictures (tableau-piège): the usual remains, after meals, of dirty dishes, empty glasses, ashtray and cigarette buds fixed on table, chair or other kind of support which, turned from their everyday, horizontal into vertical position, hang on the wall as pictures.
Connecting the dining scene with fine arts did not stop there: at the beginning of the seventies Spoerri already figured in the Western European common consciousness as the notorious founder of the artistic trend called Eat Art.
However, Eat Art was not the final stage of his artistic activity. In the course of his long life, the always restless Spoerri, always capable of renewal, roamed in several countries of Europe and incorporated into his works several known or unworthily forgotten artistic products of our culture. His immediately recognizable assemblages created from a multitude of objects or his Musée sentimental set up in Paris, Basel, Köln and Salzburg turn him into a first-rank archaeologist of our postmodern world.
We also have to mention Spoerri the sculptor, who cast in bronze his own former mansard room from Paris in its entirety – those interested are recommended to visit the artist’s sculpture garden in Italy: in the Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, roaming among the olive trees of Tuscany, one hundred groups of sculptures of him and his artist friends can be sought out.
Daniel Spoerri was born in Galaţi as the son of Isaac Feinstein, of Jewish origin, and the Swiss Lydia Spoerri, who acted as Christian missionaries. In 1941 Feinstein lost his life in the pogrom in Iaşi. It took a whole year until Lydia Spoerri could leave the country with her six children.
Our exhibition, which focuses on Eat Art and cultural archaeology inherent in Spoerri’s object art, is the first one presenting the artist’s original artworks in Romania.
Gergely Ligetfalvi
Special thanks: Barbara Räderscheidt, Susanne Neumann, Váncsa Domokos, Judit Mihály, Mihály Vargha, Olga Stefan, István Tamás, Melinda Bagoly, Judit Pieldner, Martin Pieldner
- Organizer(s): MAGMA Contemporary Medium Association, Székely National Museum
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- Partner(s): Covasna County Council, Municipality's Council of Sfântu Gheorghe, Kónya Ádám House of Culture
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- Sponsor(s): AFCN - The Administration of the National Cultural Fund
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- The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not to be held responsible for the content of the project, nor for the ways in which the results of the project might be used. Those are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the grant.
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- Verein zur Förderung des Werkes von Daniels Spoerri, NKA - The National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Bethlen Gábor Found, Project co-founded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
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- Media Partner(s): transindex, Sepsiszentgyörgy Info, Háromszék, Székely Hírmondó, modernism.ro, Várad Cultural Magazine, Revista Arta