#animagma EXTENDED
Creative workshops at the Sepsi TABAKÓ Festival
2022 Sep 01, 12:00
On view:
2022 Sep 01 2022 Sep 03

Stop-motion object animation workshop
You can create a short animated film using small objects and machine parts that can be found in the former cigarette factory. Setting up the process frame by frame is most exciting when done in a team, but you need, besides creativity, endless patience and perseverance to get the perfect result.

Stencil creation based on text
If you have a short thought you would like to share with the world, come to MAGMA’s stencil making workshop.
You can paint the stencil cut out with the help of the laser cutter on a board with acrylic spray paint, or you can put the message on your own T-shirt and take the stencil with you when you have finished the work.

Imaging with Artificial Intelligence
Text-to-image diffusion
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems such as DALL·E, Midjourney or Google Imagen are becoming increasingly popular in content production, they can create original, realistic and artistic images from text descriptions. While many people are understandably concerned about how these might affect human image making and creativity in the future, others see them simply as new tools that can help us understand how our world is seen and interpreted by AI systems.

During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to try out a generative tool that creates photorealistic images or of any other style from the typed text based on concept-image pairs, which they can take away with them in printed form.

Light painting
In a long exposure photograph, either with the coloured display of your mobile phone – where you can choose the colour – or with the light source we provide, you simply capture the spatial movement, drawing as a process for eternity.

The images created during the workshop can be taken home in printed form.

Contemporary reading corner
A selection of contemporary art journals, magazines, publications, catalogues and albums from the MAGMA library will be available for on-site reading.

#animagma EXTENDED
There will be showcased the works of students participating in the #animagma talent development programme and their animated short film MMMOOꓭ, as well as a selection from the MAGMA video collection.