The lecture entitled NETWORKS: From the World Wide Web to the Artistic Networks, related to the netWorks exhibition, will be given by the physicist and network researcher Albert-László BARABÁSI, from 5 pm in the great hall of the Tamási Áron Theater.
The lecture will be held in Hungarian. We will provide simultaneous translation in Romanian language.
“Our biological existence, our ability to communicate, to exchange goods and values, are guaranteed by numerous invisible networks, from the protein and genetic networks in our cells to the world wide web, Internet and financial and trade networks. I will show that the amazingly complex topology of these highly interconnected networks are the result of self-organizing processes governed by simple but generic laws. As I will illustrate in this talk, the emergence of most networks are governed by these universal laws, result in architectural features that makes different, apparently unrelated networks much more similar to each other than one would expect. Our ability to unveil the order characterizing our interconnected world has multiple implications on network robustness and control, helping us to stop infection disease, cure genetic disorders, and potentially understand and control the structure of an organization.”
Albert-Lászó BARABÁSI
- Organizer(s): MAGMA Contemporary Medium Association, Székely National Museum
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- Partner(s): Covasna County Council, ARTeast Foundation, K'Arte Association
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- Main sponsor(s): AFCN - The Administration of the National Cultural Fund
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- The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.
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- Sponsor(s): Municipality's Council of Sfântu Gheorghe, Bethlen Gábor Found, NKA - The National Cultural Fund of Hungary
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- Media Partner(s): transindex, Revista Arta,, Székely Hírmondó, Háromszék, Sepsiszentgyörgy Info