
Another 5 years passed by, with this object MAGMA Contemporary Art Space will held the fourth edition of MAYBE, this time around the idea and with the headline Revision.

Revision because there is a continuous change around us, for which we need or should have an indispensable attitude  being willing and able to adapt. Revision since from time to time it is necessary to overhaul our thoughts and ideas, not to fall into a confortable and conventional habit. Revision is an inavitable condition with the passing time. Revision through and by exercising self-criticism. Revision as a necessity on a healthy mental level, and we could continue…

After the opening will take place the release of FANTOMATIKA, the first sci-fi comic strip periodical from Transilvania with the presence of the artists Kriszta SZABÓ & Mátyás SÁROSI and with the participation of Erika FÁM and András Áron IVÁCSON.